Saturday, 27 July 2024, 9:44 PM
Site: healthLearn
Course: healthLearn (
Glossary: HELP - healthLearn Help Files

Manager - How do I add my manager?

To add your Manager to your healthLearn profile, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Log in to healthLearn (
  2. On the left side there will be a box called 'MY DETAILS'.  Either click on the link that says 'Manager' or 'Click to update' or 'Add new job assignment.  All these links will take you to same update page.
  3. Scroll down and select 'Choose manager' (please check that you select the correct person, as many people share a similar name. If you are unsure check with your line manager what their email address is as an additional way to confirm their identity. If a manager has updated their details in their job assignment - then a description of who they are should be present).
  4. This is also a good time to update your other details.  Important ones are Job Title, Job Title Number (needs to be unique for different Job Assignments), Position and Organisation.
  5. Click ‘Update job assignment

How to add a manager

If you have more than one workplace and/or manager you can add a new job assignment and then continue from step 3 onwards.

Remember: Your healthLearn account belongs to you, if you change organisations or move to a different location, you can create - and delete Job Assignments which will remove the link to that area.

Managers - please be aware if you delete a job assignment - you may delete the link between you and your staff members .
How to check your Team is correct: Manager - How do I check my Team? 

Manager - How do I approve a booking

There are a couple of ways to approve a booking

  • Via email. If you are asked to approve a booking, and email is sent out to you. There is a link in the email which you can click on - you will be prompted to log in to healthLearn, and then the approval page should be displayed. You will need to select either 'Accept" or "Reject" and then update.

  • Via your Task box. If you have an approval waiting, then this will also be displayed in your Task Box/Block located on your dashboard and also within your Team tab information located on the main menu. You need to click on the link in the task (handy hint - click the i symbol for more information). You will need to select either 'Accept" or "Reject" and then update. 

If you click 'View all tasks' you can see the information that you have been emailed - and can then click on the link under the words "Please follow the link below to APPROVE OR DECLINE the request", then you will need to select either 'Accept" or "Reject" and then update.


To keep track of your requests - once you have actioned them - it is helpful to clean up your task box and delete these processed requests by selecting the task and then at the bottom of the page - click 'Dismiss'

Please note: the staff MUST have selected you as their manager for any requests to appear on your dashboard.


Manager - How do I check my Team list?

  1. Log in to healthLearn (
  2. On the top navigation bar, select 'My healthLearn' that will drop down to show 'Team'

3. Click on 'Team' and check the team list currently assigned to you.

How do I remove myself as someones manager - please refer here

- If there are Team members missing from your list - please refer the individual User to complete this process to assign themselves to your team, Manager - How do I add my manager?

Manager - How do I remove myself as someones manager

Manager: To remove yourself as a healthLearn user’s Manager, please follow these instructions.

  1. Log in to healthLearn (

  2. In the blue banner select ‘My healthLearn>Team’

  3. Click on the users name that you want to remove

  4. In the box ‘Job Assignments (position details)’ click on their job assignment

  5. Scroll down to ‘Manager’

  6. Click the red ‘x’ next to your name to remove yourself as their line manager

  7. Click ‘Update job assignment

- If there are Team members missing from your list - please refer the individual User to complete this process to assign themselves to your team, Manager - How do I add my manager?

Manager - How do I check my Team list  - please refer here

Manager - Taking Leave

If as a Manager you are planning leave - or know that you will not be able to action and approve any course requests, you need to do the following

Request that your staff add a Temporary Manager

In the staff members Job Assignment information which is located in the  'My Details' block/box, there is the ability for a staff member to add a temporary manager.

They should select the name of the manager - and how long you will be away for.

When a temporary manager is selected - you will receive a notification message letting you know that one of your staff have selected a temporary manager, and who that manager is.

In an emergency - if you are away, the staff member can contact the course tutor - or facilitator asking them to approve your staff member on your behalf. Please look at the course details carefully to identify who is the most suitable person to contact for your organisation, as some courses have more than one tutor - who belong to different organisations.

Manager - What reports can I see

As a Manager you are able to see a range on information about your staff.

The first stage is to ensure that staff in your area have selected you as their manager in their healthLearn profile. There are two ways to do this - more information can be found in the "How do I add my Manager" section of the Help Files.

In your Team tab (in the main menu).

 Once a staff member has selected you as their manager, you will see their information in your "Team" tab, which will be shown on the main menu at the top of the site. Each staff member will have information that you will be able to view. The initial information that you can see for all staff who report to you is a summary table of learning being undertaken - or completed. For more information you can select your staff member and view the following;

  1. Profile. You will be able to click on the staff members name and view their profile
  2. Record of Learning. This report enables you to see the learning that your staff member has undertaken, and the status of the learning - Not started, in progress and completed. You can filter this further by using the display settings to show only, in progress, completed and completed via RPL (recognition of prior learning)
  3. Bookings. You can see what sessions your staff member has attended (face to face session) and what sessions they have upcoming
  4. Learning Plan. You can view a staff members learning plan(s). As a manager you have the ability to enroll your staff member into a course, programme or certification through their learning plan.

On your Manager dashboard

there is a table which shows a list of any staff members awaiting course approval - or on a waitlist for a course. To see staff in this report - they must have selected you as their manager. You will also still see their approval requests in your "Tasks" box - located on your dashboard on the left side - and under the Team tab on your main menu.

In your Reports tab 

(in the main menu), there are additional reports that you can access for the staff who have assigned you as their manager.

  1. Staff training record and course completion report. This report enables you to search for information around course completion status by staff member name or course name
  2. Staff programme completion report. This report enables you to search for information around programme (pre-set collection of courses) completion status by staff member name or programme name
  3. Staff certification completion report. This report enables you to search for information around certification (a repeating course, or set of courses) completion status by staff member name or certification name
  4. Staff face to face session status. This report enables you to view and search for upcoming face to face (seminars) status and information. (i.e. approved, awaiting approval, wait-listed, cancelled etc)
  5. Seminar Sessions Summary. This report allows you to search for any workshop (seminar) session, and allows you to see the following; Presenter, Start and finish date/time, Room Location, Course the workshop is in, name of the workshop, number of attendees, places still available and a booking status. The filters are very helpful with this.
  6. Course Library Catalogue Search. This report allows you to search through every course in the system, and includes the following information; Course name, Course Category, Course Code, Course Summary (From the directory listing) and Professional Development Hours. The filters are also quite helpful when searching for information.

Click here to view the Manager 'Cheat Sheet'


Manager and Educator - Important information for new staff or staff leaving

If a new member of staff begins in your workplace and...

They already have a healthLearn account - Just ask them to update their position (if applicable), workplace and manager. It is important that they do not create another account as this will result in two accounts they have to maintain and two records of learning. If they have lost access to their account contact the technical team on

If staff do not have a healthLearn account - Ask them to create a new account. When they create their account they can set their workplace and position during setup - but can only select their Manager once they have logged into the system with an active account. This is for security reasons so that people without healthLearn access cannot view the user directory, and to ensure that only people who are logged in can view the user directory.

If a staff member is moving on

If a staff member starts a new job, they will still be able to access healthLearn and their record of learning. Please encourage them to do the following

  1. Update their email address if needed. To reset their password, they will need to have access to an email address. Staff who have work email addresses can update their details in their user profile to a home/personal email - or to their new workplace email address.
  2. Update their workplace. Please ensure that they update their workplace in the My Details Block (Job Description)
  3. Update their manager. Please ask them to update their manager in their My Details Block. If they are going to a place where their manager does not have an account, just get them to delete their old manager - and then they can update their manager when they are able.

Memorandum of Understanding

Thank you for your interest in joining up to the healthLearn Learning Management System.

For your organisation to gain access to the healthLearn LMS, you will need to nominate a contact person, and also identify and provide details of the person in your organisation who can formally agree to the terms and conditions (MOU) of the access agreement. In addition, you will also need to nominate a ‘SuperUser’ who will need to complete the online introductory course, and will be the person/people to support staff in your organisation using the healthLearn LMS.

The process of obtaining access is generally as follows

1. Application is submitted online

2. Your contact person is sent a confirmation, and details of SuperUser/s requested

3. Application is processed

4. Organisation verified

5. Organisational access set up

6. Support information sent out to the SuperUser and main contact

7. Access for your SuperUser is arranged

8. SuperUser is enrolled into the SuperUser training course

9. Once SuperUser training is completed, go live date advised


To begin the process, please submit your organisational details online by clicking HERE

If you have any additional queries, please contact one of the administration team at


The healthLearn Terms and Conditions

In these terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions), Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu hosts the Learner Management System (healthLearn) and the Organisation means an entity authorised by Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu to access and use healthLearn.
The Terms and Conditions govern the use of healthLearn. By accessing healthLearn, the Organisation accepts the Terms and Conditions. A licence to access healthlearn is only granted on the basis that the Terms and Conditions are accepted.

Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu recognises that personnel external to the Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu who are health workers (Users) may benefit from access to learning content contained within healthLearn as part of maintaining and extending the range of skills they can offer to the wider health system. These Terms and Conditions set out the terms on which access to healthLearn will be provided.
Approved Health System Region

At Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu’s discretion, healthLearn will be provided free of charge to approved Organisations and Users within the Approved Health System Region (AHSR) as defined by Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu. Organisations that operate within the AHSR area that also have health workers outside the AHSR area will generally only be allocated free user accounts for health workers within the AHSR area.
In addition to any other rights under these Terms and Conditions, Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu reserves the right to charge the Organisation for access to healthLearn if the number of user accounts allocated to the Organisation is exceeded or used by health workers outside the AHSR area without Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu’s consent.

Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu agrees to:

  • provide AHSR Users approved by Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu access to content at a course level in healthLearn; and
  • provide a level of support to Organisations as outlined in the Business Rules for healthLearn set out in Schedule 1 attached.
  • The access and support services to be provided by Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu as referred to above shall be on an all care, no responsibility basis.

Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu shall have no liability to Organisation or its Users arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions or healthLearn.

The Organisation agrees to:

  • adhere to, and procure that its Users adhere to, the Business Rules for healthLearn set out in Schedule 1 attached below; and
  • provide end user support for Users to access healthLearn.

The Organisation agrees to keep confidential any information reasonably considered to be of a confidential nature (Confidential Information) and will not, without the Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu’s prior written consent, divulge any Confidential Information to any third party. This provision will not apply to:

  • any information in the public domain other than in breach of these Terms and Conditions;
  • information obtained from a third party who is free to divulge the same; or
  • disclosure of information which is required by law.

Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights in healthLearn and its content belong to the Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu and nothing in these Terms and Conditions has the effect of transferring ownership of any aspect to any third party.

The Organisation shall not transfer, assign or sublicense any aspect of the grant of rights of access to healthLearn without the Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu’s prior written consent.

If the Organisation or its Users fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions (including the Business Rules for healthLearn attached as Schedule 1), then Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu may, without liability, immediately suspend or terminate access to healthLearn for the Organisation or all/any Users.
Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu may, without cause or liability, terminate the Organisation’s or all/any User’s access to healthLearn at any time by giving not less than 30 days prior written notice to the terminated Organisation and/or Users.
On termination of the Organisation’s or all/any User’s access to healthLearn, all provisions of these Terms and Conditions that are intended to continue after termination of access will continue in full force and effect.

Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu may from time to time to review how it provides healthLearn. Such review may include review of the costs to Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu of providing access to healthLearn and whether it charges for future access.

The Organisation indemnifies Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu and will keep Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu indemnified against any loss, costs, expenses or damages incurred or suffered by Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu which arise directly out of the Organisation’s breach of these Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions may be varied by Te Whatu Ora - Te Waipounamu at any time and any variation will be effective once published on healthLearn.

In the event that any term of these Terms and Conditions is subsequently found to be unenforceable, invalid or illegal for any reason whatsoever, the other terms will be remain in full force and effect as if these Terms and Conditions had been agreed to without such provision.

Schedule 1 - Business Rules

Click HERE to view the business rules 


Mobile App - healthLearn

The healthLearn mobile app allows you to continue your learning on the go.
Whether you are in a remote area with poor wifi access or stuck in traffic during your daily commute, with the App you can enjoy a seamless learning experience across devices, even offline!

To get the App:
Go to your Google or iOS App store and download the Totara app (for free). 

This App is currently provided on all Waitaha Canterbury iPads.

Add the healthLearn
and your normal heathLearn login details for access to your current learning and the course catalogue. 

Error Message

'Your Username or Password are wrong' 

On the Mobile App - reset your password via the 'Forgot your username or password?   

The new password will then work on both your Mobile and Browser/PC login. 



Mobile Devices

healthLearn uses a responsive theme - similar to websites that detect what sort of device you are using. If you are using mobile devices, such as iPads, iPhones, tablets and android phones, the healthLearn site will look slightly different - although the majority of the functions and options should work.

Please be aware, for the best results, please ensure you are using a desktop or laptop computer, as there is some content that will be difficult to see on small devices.