Organisations - How can my organisation sign up to healthLearn?
For your organisation to gain access to the healthLearn LMS, you will need to nominate a contact person, and also identify and provide details of the person in your organisation who can formally agree to the terms and conditions of the access agreement. In addition, you will also need to nominate a ‘SuperUser’ who will need to complete the online introductory course, and will be the person/people to support staff in your organisation using the healthLearn LMS.
The process of obtaining access is generally as follows
1. Application is submitted online
2. Your contact person is sent a confirmation, and details of SuperUser/s requested
3. Application is processed
4. Organisation verified
5. Organisational access set up
6. Support information sent out to the SuperUser and main contact
7. Access for your SuperUser is arranged
8. SuperUser is enrolled into the SuperUser training course
9. Once SuperUser training is completed, go live date advised
To begin the process, please submit your organisational details online by clicking HERE
If you have any additional queries, please contact one of the administration team at