A program is a collection of courses that have been grouped together. Often a programme is used to assist in packaging courses required for orientation, required training or study.
In the programs category, you can see the programs which are currently available, and what they consist of.
To enrol into a program, you need to add the program to your learning plan.
Step 1: Select 'Learning Plans' on the main menu
Step 2: Click on "My Learning Plan" (*NOTE: if you have a completed learning plan (i.e. orientation) already you will need to create a new learning to enable you to add a program to it. See below for further instructions)
Step 3: Click on the Programs Tab and then click the "add programs" button
Step 4: Using the expandable menu (click the + symbol to expand the menu) locate the programme you want to enrol into
Step 5: Click the 'save' button
The program has now been added to your learning plan. If you want - you can add a due date to the programme to help track your learning.
You can now get to the courses in a program in a couple of different ways
In the Current Learning Block/Box in your dashboard
In the Program catalogue which is in the programs category (Uder Find Learning in the main menu)
or directly within your learning plan - which is where can also view the progress of your program as you complete each of the courses listed.
There is a short video below which also shows the process of adding a program to your learning plan.
* to create a new Learning Plan click on Learning Plans and then "create new learning plan" You may like to name the learning plan (or not) and then click "Create plan" at the bottom of the screen. In the next screen you will need to click "Activate plan". You can then click "Add programs" and choose the program you need to add as per step 3.