Saturday, 27 July 2024, 11:11 PM
Site: healthLearn
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Glossary: HELP - healthLearn Help Files

healthLearn Copyright

Unless otherwise stated, information is subject to healthLearn copyright

Any reproduction of the work must respect the moral rights of the author of the work as set out in Part IV of the Copyright Act 1994.


Photographic and Graphic Work

No photograph or graphic work on this website, nor in any healthLearn publication, may be reproduced out of the document or resource from which it came, without the expressed written permission of healthLearn . To enquire about the process for obtaining permission for using a photograph or graphic work, please email:


healthLearn Logo

The healthLearn logo should not be used in any way which infringes any provision of the Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981 or would infringe such provision if the relevant use occurred within New Zealand. Attribution should be in written form and not by reproduction of the healthLearn logo. Permission to use the healthLearn logo can be sought by emailing


Party other than healthLearn

Permission to reproduce healthLearn work does not extend to include any work identified on this website as the copyright material of a party other than the healthLearn. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.



The information available on or through this website is intended to provide general information to the public, and is not intended to address specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity. All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the quality and accuracy of the information available on this website.

If you find any information on this website that you believe may be inaccurate, please email

Those accessing this website are advised:

  1. healthLearn makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness or use of any information that is available on or through this website.
  2. The information on this website may be changed, deleted, added to, or otherwise amended without notice.
  3. healthLearn is not responsible for the content of other websites linked to, or referenced from, this website. HealthLearn neither endorses the information, content, presentation, or accuracy of such other websites, nor makes any warranty, express or implied, regarding these other websites.
  4. Nothing contained on this website is, or shall be relied on as, a promise or representation by healthLearn.
  5. The contents of this website should not be construed as legal or professional advice and visitors to this website should take specific advice from qualified professional people before undertaking any action following information received from this website.
  6. Any reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacture, or otherwise does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by healthLearn.
  7. Each page on this website must be read in conjunction with this disclaimer and any other disclaimer that forms part of it.


Those accessing this website and who ignore this disclaimer do so at their own risk.

healthLearn Site Details


Site Owner

This website is owned and maintained by healthLearn through the Te Waipounamu/ South Island Alliance Programme Office



This site is designed to be as accessible as possible by all users, regardless of your ability.


Privacy and Security

You may browse and access some courses and information contained within this website without providing personal information. Where you voluntarily provide personal information (eg, through the log in process), we will hold your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. The Privacy Act 1993 regulates us through the Information Privacy Principles as to how we collect, use, hold, disclose, access, correct, manage and dispose of your personal information.


Statistical information

Some information, however, is automatically retrieved about your visit, such as:

  • your IP address
  • the search terms you used
  • the pages you accessed on the website and the links you clicked on
  • the date and time you visited the website
  • the referring website (if any) through which you clicked through to this website
  • your operating system (eg, Windows XP, Mac OSX)
  • the type of web browser you use (eg, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox)
  • other incidental matters such as screen resolution, the release of your installed Flash version and the language setting of your browser.

No effort is made to identify individual visitors. Use of statistical information: The statistical information referred to above will be viewable by website administrators and certain other healthLearn staff.



This website generates persistent session cookies for the purpose of monitoring website usage. The cookies do not collect personal information. You can disable them or clear them out of the web browser you are using to view this website without affecting your ability to use the website.


Information that we collect

We collect information to provide better services to all of our users – from basics, such as which language you speak to more complex things, such as which course you accessed and how long you spent in them. We collect information in two ways:

1. Information that you give us. For example, healthLearn requires you to sign up for an Account. When you do, we’ll ask for personal information, such as your name, email address, etc.

2. Information that we get from your use of healthLearn. We may collect information about how you use healthLearn, such as when you use a course or interact with our content. This information includes:

Device information. We may collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version etc)

Log information. When you use healthLearn we may automatically collect and store certain information in server logs. This may include things like details of how you used a course in healthLearn, such as your activity.


How we use information that we collect

We use the information that we collect from healthLearn to provide, maintain, protect and improve it, and to protect our users. We also use this information to offer you tailored content – such as giving you more relevant learning and content.

We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those set out in the Terms of Use.